The tidyfr
package provides convenience and utility functions to import
data stored in the new Textual Dateset Format into R. These
functions ensure the data is properly formatted which include the correct
encoding categorical variables (factor
s) or also missing values.
TDF data is structured in the following format:
data: contains the data of the various variables. Columns are
variables, rows study participants. Column "aid"
contains the ID of the
study participants.
labels: provides information on the variables in data. Columns are
(the name of the column in data), "unit"
(unit of the
measured value), "type"
(the data type), "min"
(the minimal value),
(the maximal value), "missing"
(the value with which missing
values in data are encoded) and "description"
(a name/description of
the variable). Optional additional columns (annotations) might be
available depending on the data module.
groups: provides optional grouping of variables in data.
grp_labels: contains descriptions for the groups.
See the official TDF definition for a complete description of the format.
The following functions can be used to import CHRIS data from one of the available data modules.
: retrieves the data.
: retrieves the grouping information for variables.
: retrieves additional annotation/information for specific
variables of a module.
Which data is retrieved depends on the parameter object
See chris-SummarizedExperiment if object
is a SummarizedExperiment()