The remove_participants function creates a new version of an existing data module removing any data for the selected individuals (parameter aid). The function will:

  • bump the version of the module (incrementing the 4th position in the x.y.z.a version scheme).

  • create a new folder (name being the new version) in the directory path.

  • copy all files from the original module (version) to the new folder.

  • remove all entries (rows) in the data.txt files with their aid label matching aid.

  • validate the new data module.

remove_participants(x, aid, path = modulePath(x, base = TRUE))



DataModule from which data of a participant should be removed.


character with the IDs (label "aid") of the participants for whom data should be removed. Note that format_aid() will be called on this parameter to ensure the format of the AID matches.


character(1) defining the path where the new version of the data set should be stored into. Defaults to the base path of the current module.


character(1) with the path to the folder containing the new version.


Johannes Rainer