Remove model fits based on specified criteria

The dropModels function takes model fits such as the ones returned by xcms:::rowFitModel or withinBatchFit() and removes models idenfified by function FLAG_FUN. This function can be one of the flag_* functions (such as flag_model_residual()) that take a linear model fit as input and return a logical indicating whether the model fit is problematic or not.

dropModels(x, FLAG_FUN, ...)



list of linear models such as returned by xcms:::rowFitModel or withinBatchFit().


function to test whether the model fit is problematic or not, such as flag_model_residual(). The funciton has to take a linear model object (as generated by lm()) as input and return TRUE if the model should be removed or FALSE otherwise.


additional parameters to be passed to FUN.


The input x with poor quality models identified by FUN replaced with NA.


Johannes Rainer