featureGroupSpectra allows to extract a Spectrum object for each feature group in x. Based on the specified function FUN different types of spectra can be returned:

  • featureGroupPseudoSpectrum creates a pseudo spectrum based on the feature values (defined by value) of all features within a feature group (i.e. each feature is represented as a mass peak in the resulting spectrum). The reported m/z values will be the "mzmed" of the respective feature from the featureDefinitions() data frame. The associated intensity is calculated from the values of the features from the feature group: by default, for each feature, the median intensity across all samples part of subset is reported. Parameters value and filled are passed to the internal call to featureValues() that returns the features' values which are used in these calculations. Parameter n allows to further restrict the samples being considered in the calculations: for each feature group samples are first ordered by the sum of signal of the features of the group and then only the top n samples are used in the calculations.

    Examples: To report the mean intensity of each feature in the 10 samples with the highest signal for the feature group use n = 10 and intensityFun = mean. The m/z values reported in the Spectrum object of a feature group will be the "mzmed" of the features, the intensity values the mean intensity (value = "maxo") across the 10 samples with the highest signal for that feature group.

    To report the maximal intensity (value = "maxo" of each feature in samples 1, 4, 8 and 10 use subset = c(1, 4, 8, 10) and intensityFun = max. More examples in the examples section.

  • featureGroupFullScan: reports the full MS1 spectrum (full scan) in the sample with the highest total signal (defined by value) for the feature group at the retention time closest to the median "rtmed" across all features of the feature group.

  featureGroup = featureGroups(x),
  FUN = featureGroupPseudoSpectrum,
  value = "maxo",
  filled = TRUE,
  subset = seq_along(fileNames(x)),

  featureGroup = character(),
  fvals = featureValues(x),
  n = ncol(fvals),
  intensityFun = median,

  featureGroup = character(),
  fvals = featureValues(x),



XCMSnExp() object with available featureGroups().


character with the IDs of the feature group(s) for which the spectra should be returned. Defaults to all feature groups defined in x. Only featureGroupSpectra supports length(featureGroup) to be of length > 1.


function to be used to define the spectrum for each feature group. Can be featureGroupPseudoSpectrum, featureGroupFullScan or any function taking parameters featureGroup, x, fvals.


character(1) specifying the column in chromPeaks matrix to be used as feature values for each feature. This parameter is passed to the featureValues() call.


for featureGroupPseudoSpectra: logical(1) whether filled-in values should also be considered. See featureValues() for details.


integer with indices of specific samples if spectra should only be defined on a subset of samples. See description section for details.


additional parameters passed down to the function specifyed with FUN.


for featureGroupPseudoSpectra and featureGroupFullScan: matrix with feature values (rows being features and columns samples) such as returned by featureValues().


for featureGroupPseudoSpectra: integer(1) defining the top n samples (in subset) on which spectra should be defined. Samples are ordered based on the sum of signal (defined by parameter value) from the features of each feature group. See description section for more details.


for featureGroupPseudoSpectra: function that should be applied across samples (defined by subset) of the feature value matrix to calculate the intensity for each mass peak of the returned pseudo spectrum. By default (intensityFun = median) the median intensity of a feature across all samples (defined by subset and n) is used. See description section for examples.


for featureGroupSpectra: MSpectra object of length equal to the number of feature groups in x and each element being one spectrum. For all other functions: a Spectrum object.


Johannes Rainer


## Load test data set from xcms library(xcms) data(faahko_sub) ## Update the path to the files for the local system dirname(faahko_sub) <- system.file("cdf/KO/", package = "faahKO") ## Perform correspondence analysis xdata <- groupChromPeaks(faahko_sub, param = PeakDensityParam(sampleGroup = rep(1, 3)))
#> Processing 2572 mz slices ...
#> OK
## Group features xdata <- groupFeatures(xdata, param = SimilarRtimeParam(4)) xdata <- groupFeatures(xdata, param = AbundanceSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.3)) sort(table(featureGroups(xdata)))
#> #> FG.004.002 FG.005.002 FG.006.001 FG.006.002 FG.011.001 FG.012.001 FG.013.001 #> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 #> FG.014.001 FG.015.001 FG.016.001 FG.017.001 FG.018.001 FG.019.001 FG.020.001 #> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 #> FG.021.001 FG.022.001 FG.023.001 FG.024.001 FG.025.001 FG.026.001 FG.027.001 #> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 #> FG.028.001 FG.029.001 FG.030.001 FG.031.001 FG.032.001 FG.033.001 FG.001.001 #> 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 #> FG.002.001 FG.005.001 FG.007.001 FG.008.001 FG.009.001 FG.010.001 FG.003.001 #> 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 #> FG.004.001 #> 3
################ ## featureGroupSpectra ## ## Get a pseudo spectrum for each feature group res <- featureGroupSpectra(xdata) res
#> MSpectra with 36 spectra and 2 metadata column(s): #> msLevel rtime peaksCount | feature_group feature_id #> <integer> <numeric> <integer> | <character> <CharacterList> #> 1 1 2787.77 3 | FG.004.001 FT01,FT04,FT46 #> 2 1 3254.90 1 | FG.011.001 FT02 #> 3 1 3387.14 3 | FG.003.001 FT03,FT37,FT38 #> 4 1 2994.34 1 | FG.012.001 FT05 #> 5 1 2923.92 1 | FG.013.001 FT06 #> .. ... ... ... . ... ... #> 32 1 3482.61 1 | FG.029.001 FT42 #> 33 1 3580.41 1 | FG.030.001 FT43 #> 34 1 3712.65 1 | FG.031.001 FT44 #> 35 1 2918.44 1 | FG.032.001 FT45 #> 36 1 3707.18 1 | FG.033.001 FT47
## Get a full scan spectrum for a subset of the feature groups ## considering only the subset of the last two samples res <- featureGroupSpectra(xdata, featureGroup = unique(featureGroups(xdata))[1:4], FUN = featureGroupFullScan, subset = 2:3) res
#> MSpectra with 4 spectra and 2 metadata column(s): #> msLevel rtime peaksCount | feature_group feature_id #> <integer> <numeric> <integer> | <character> <CharacterList> #> 1 1 2787.77 421 | FG.004.001 FT01,FT04,FT46 #> 2 1 3254.12 410 | FG.011.001 FT02 #> 3 1 3387.14 404 | FG.003.001 FT03,FT37,FT38 #> 4 1 2994.34 410 | FG.012.001 FT05
################ ## Pseudo Spectrum ## ## Get the pseudo spectrum for one feature group reporting the per-feature ## maximal "maxo" value across samples as the spectrum's intensities res <- featureGroupPseudoSpectrum(featureGroup = "FG.010.001", xdata, fvals = featureValues(xdata, value = "maxo"), intensityFun = max) intensity(res)
#> FT10 FT11 #> 232896 50504
#> [1] 326.2 327.2
## Get the pseudo spectrum using the values in the one sample with the ## highest total sum of signal ("maxo") for the feature group. res <- featureGroupPseudoSpectrum(featureGroup = "FG.010.001", xdata, fvals = featureValues(xdata, value = "maxo"), n = 1) intensity(res)
#> FT10 FT11 #> 232896 50504
#> [1] 326.2 327.2
################ ## Full Scan Spectrum ## ## Get the full MS1 spectrum from the sample with the highest total signal ## of one specific feature group res <- featureGroupFullScan(featureGroup = "FG.010.001", xdata, fvals = featureValues(xdata, value = "maxo")) plot(mz(res), intensity(res), type = "h", xlab = "m/z", ylab = "intensity")
## Highlight the peaks for the features of the group. idx <- which(featureGroups(xdata) == "FG.001.001") points(x = featureDefinitions(xdata)$mzmed[idx], y = rep(0, length(idx)), pch = 4, col = "red")