The FAProbResults object contains the results from the probability test. The probability test is only a convience method that calls the gap package's method pfc.sim to compute probabilities of familial clustering of phenotypes [Yu and Zelterman (2002)]. One drawback of that method is that it is limited to families with at most 22 individuals. Thus, pedigrees need to be split with specialized software such as Jenti [Falchi and Fuchsberger ea. (2008)], which within large families define cliques that can then be used as input to this algorithm.


Due to problems of the gap package on MS Windows systems, this test will be removed in the next Bioconductor release (3.8).

# S4 method for FAProbResults
buildPed(object, id=NULL, max.generations.up=3,
                                  max.generations.down=16, prune=FALSE)

# S4 method for FAProbResults
cliqueAndTrait(object, na.rm=FALSE)

# S4 method for FAProbResults
cliques(object, na.rm=FALSE)

# S4 method for FAProbResults
cliques(object) <- value

# S4 method for FAProbResults
plotPed(object, id=NULL, family=NULL,
                                 filename=NULL, device="plot", ...)

# S4 method for FAProbResults
result(object, method="BH")

# S4 method for FAProbResults
runSimulation(object, nsim=50000)

# S4 method for FAProbResults
shareKinship(object, id=NULL)

# S4 method for FAProbResults
trait(object) <- value

# S4 method for FAProbResults



For plotPed: see plotPed for more details.


For plotPed: not supported.


For plotPed: the file name to which the pedigree plot should be exported. See plotPed for more details.


For buildPed, plotPed, shareKinship: the id (character or numerif) of the clique (i.e. one of the ids in column "group_id" of the result table result(object)).

Note: id can be a numeric or a character. Numeric ids will be internally converted to character.


For buildPed: the maximal number of generations to look for children.


For buildPed: the maximal number of generations to look for ancestors.


The multiple hypothesis testing method. All methods supported by p.adjust are allowed.


Whether NA elements should be returned or not.


Number of simulations.


The FAProbResults object.


For buildPed: whether the full pedigree should be returned (prune=FALSE) or the pedigree should be reduced to the individuals in the corresponding clique (prune=TRUE). Note: the plotPed method does also support this parameter.


For cliques<-: can be a named numeric, character or factor vector. The names (at least some of them) have to match the ids in the pedigree of the object.


For plotPed: additional arguments to be submitted to the internal buildPed call and to plotPed.

Objects from the Class

FAProbResults objects are created by the probabilityTest method of FAData objects.


Class FAData directly.



Number of simulations.


The result of the simulation. This slot should not be directly accessed, use the result method to extract result information.


A factor with the assignment of individuals to cliques. This slot should not be accessed directly, but the cliques and cliques<- methods should be used instead that ensure that the data is matched to the information in the pedigree.

Methods and Functions


Get a data.frame with the clique ID and the value from the trait for each individual. If na.rm=TRUE all rows (individuals) with either a missing clique ID or trait value are removed.


Builds the pedigree for the submitted id (which represents the id of the group, i.e. the clique (e.g. column "group_id" of result(object)). By default the method builds the full pedigree for all individuals in the clique but the argument prune allows to reduce it to the individuals of the clique. Building a pedigree by submitting the family id is not supported. The pedigree is returned as a data.frame.


Returns a factor vector representing the clique/group assignment of the individuals. By default, the ordering is the same as pedigree, setting argument na.rm=TRUE removes all NA values, thus the ordering and length might differ (e.g. if some individuals are not part of any clique).


Setter for the cliques vector. Can be a named numeric vector, character vector or factor with the names matching the ids of the individuals in the pedigree. The method internally matches and re-orders the cliques vector to match the ordering of the ids in the pedigree. In addition, the function resets eventually stored simulation results in the sim slot.

plotPed Plots a pedigree for one of the cliques in the simulation results. The ids of all individuals of the selected clique are highlighted in red. See plotPed for more details on the plotting and details below for additional settings.

Returns the result from the simulation as a data.frame with columns: trait_name: the name of the trait. total_phenotyped: the total number of phenotyped individuals in the trait. total_affected: the total number of affected individuals in the trait. phenotyped: the number of phenotyped individuals in all group (i.e. cliques specified by the clique parameter). affected: the number of affected individuals in all group (i.e. cliques specified by the clique parameter). group_id: the id of the group (clique). family: the id of the family in which the clique was defined. group_phenotyped: the number of phenotyped individuals in the current group. group_affected: the number of affected individuals in the current group. pvalue: the p-value from the Monte Carlo simulation. padj: the p-value adjusted for multiple hypothesis testing using the method specified with argument method.


Performs the simulation analysis based on the pedigree, trait and clique information stored in the object. Returns a FAProbResults object with the results of the simulation.


Returns a character vector with the ids of all individuals that share kinship with any of the individuals in the clique identified by the argument id.


Set the trait information. This method will reset all simulation results saved in the sim slot.


Summarize the trait information by clique. Returns a matrix with the size of the clique (i.e. individuals in the clique with available trait information) and count of individuals in the clique with a trait value other than zero (column affected_size). The clique ids are used as rownames of the matrix.


Calling the runSimulation method on a FAProbResults object is the same as calling the probabilityTest on a FAData object. In the first case the simulation is performed using the clique and trait information data stored internally in the object, while in the latter case the clique and trait information have to be submitted to the function call.

A call to the setter methods trait<- or cliques<- resets any simulation results present in the sim slot, thus, the object can be re-used to perform a simulation analysis using the new trait or clique data.


Subsetting (using the [ operator) is not supported.


Refer to the method and function description above for detailed information on the returned result object.


Yu C & Zelterman D (2002) Statistical inference for familial disease clusters. Biometrics, pp 481-491

Falchi M & Fuchsberger C (2008) Jenti: an efficient tool for mining complex inbred genealogies. Bioinformatics, pp 724-726

See also